This so-called 'pastor' said the message wasn't meant to be racial or political. O RLY? He even used the word 'brothers,' which has its own multiple meanings. I think he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. So, I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and make my own church sign:
For the record, I didn't mean for that sign to be racial or political.
Look, I get it. You made a pun. A play on words, if you will. His last name is one letter away from Osama. We get it. We all got it months ago when you and your inbred buddies kept forwarding that slanderous e-mail around. But you fucking hicks don't get to invoke Osama's name whenever it benefits you, but disregard him the rest of the time. Ignore him all you want, but guess what? He's still out there, he still hates America, and he's probably planning another attack right now.
But that's for another post. Let's go ahead and cover the other 'issues' with Barack Obama. His middle name is Hussein. Iraq's former dictator was named Hussein. Big fucking deal. Like he had anything to do with it, just like some poor kid who has to go through high school with the name 'Rupert' or 'Gaylord'. It was his father's name, as there's a 'Jr.' at the end of 'Barack Hussein Obama.' His father was a Kenyan who converted from Christianity to Muslim, who divorced his mother when he was two years old and ended up being a deadbeat who only saw him one other time in his life. Not exactly a role-model for Barack, who is a tolerant Christian and not a deadbeat dad. 'Tolerant Christian' are two words that Pastor Roger Byrd wouldn't understand. Although, to be fair, it may be difficult to be tolerant when you're chainsawing the heads off of zombies:
At the end of the day, I'm not telling you who to vote for, or who I'm voting for, or anything like that. All I'm doing is asking you to not fall into this ignorant hick trap of what Obama's name might mean. It doesn't mean shit. The only time a name actually means something is when you have an Irish last name, and you also happen to be a drunk. Of course, that wouldn't apply to anyone we know...
Seriously, these people are aloud to roam freely and walk the same streets as I am? I am of no faith what so ever, and this guys not helping. They voted unanimously to keep the sign up? I've heard of some weird shit, and his logic is even worse, but this is straight up ass clown.
I would also like to point out that Lord Bling took the high road in this post and didn't go, "you might a racist redneck if..." Like I would have. Well played!
yet another reason I love my Bling!
I liked Bill Maher's commentary on the original Jonesville church sign. He said, "Are they brothers? No, they're not even related, which is probably more than we can say for some of the married couples in your congregation."
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