UPDATE: The quote below has been shown not to have been from Reagan. I knew we shouldn't have hired fact checkers from Rush Limbaugh. Thanks to the anonymous poster who shared the link, which you can view under comments for this post. I'm sure those of you who held this blog as a high standard of reliable information are probably smearing your feces on the computer. Bottom line: We should have known better, as Reagan wouldn't have ever said anything this cogent.
If you read this blog, you know I don't think highly of Ronald Reagan. Even people who like Reagan can only use false attributions like "He ended the Cold War", if asked what impact he had during his presidency. As if because something happened while he was in office that it was because of his actions as President. If you do that, my conservative friends, you must also then accept that 9/11 was Bush's fault and that the dot com economic boom was Clinton's fault based on the same very flawed logic.
However, I have to say that Ronald must've been a pretty damn good judge of character, despite the fact that he was otherwise mostly clueless. Here is an excerpt from the Reagan Diaries about our current (awful) President:
"A moment I've been dreading. George brought his n'er-do-well son around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the political one who lives in Florida; the one who hangs around here all the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and has never had a real job. Maybe I'll call Kinsley over at The New Republic and see if they'll hire him as a contributing editor or something. That looks like easy work."
From the REAGAN DIARIES------entry dated May 17, 1986
I can never again say that Reagan was never right about anything. He knew, better than the American people, that Bush is an idiot.
I heard this quote soon after the diaries were released, and I chuckled. Good ol' Ronnie. Still though, when I see pictures of him, all I can think of is that Genesis video for 'Land of Confusion':
Seeing Reagan also makes me think of the Two Tribes video by FGTH
"So, the quote is in error because this douche bag lives in the same fog as Alberto Gonzalez?"
The quote is in error because it is attributed to the Reagan diaries when no such quote exists there, plus the fact that Michael Kinsley invented the quote, as satire, in a column of his.
"Not having recollection of events does not equate to them not happening,"
There is no mistakes of "not having recollected" by anyone. It just didnt happen. I know how desperate you are in wanting this quote to be true. But it just isnt going to happen. Its fake, try to accept it.
"it just makes you an idiot."
Pot. Kettle. Black.
People, PLEASE! Let's agree on one thing here. Dubya and Reagan are both douche nozzles. We're only debating the level of douche nozzlery.
My apologies to anonymous for only skimming over the internet link he sent in between my going to and from class. And I agree, that makes me an idiot in this instance. However, I would like to point out that anonymous only disputed the mis-quotation of Ronald Reagen, not the fact that GWB is, in fact, a douche bag.
That's mighty big of you, HCP. You're a good man. How are classes going, BTW?
Classes are going great! I can't wait to be done so that I can be a grown up with a real job. Actually, I really just want to hit the lotto and retire to a beach with a margarita until I eventually doe of heart failure. It's an ugly destiny, but I've come to except it. How about you? Work the same ol'ballbuster that it's always been?
Not at Block anymore. Got a job on the sales side, working for a video game company. Working out of the home, making more money, not working 60-hour-weeks anymore ... it's all good in this hood.
That's great to hear. You get to work from home? So, you get to try out all the games first, right? I mean, you gotta know what your selling.
Yes, and yes. I have a couple of early builds of games here right now. The trick is finding the time to actually play them.
Have you gotten a look at Gears of War 2? And I have a total nerd question, which platform do you like better, and for god's sake, please don't say the Wii.
Haven't seen much of Gears of War 2, other than what's been posted out there. They're supposedly going to have gameplay posted in a couple of weeks though.
X360, all the way. Xbox Live is a great service. I'll be on GTA IV at midnight this Monday, fo' sho'. I like my PS3, but more for the Blu-Ray player (and 1080p-upconverting DVD player).
You are obviously blind to the truth or just a denier. I lived through Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan saved us from the mess Carter created and made the world a much safer place by standing up to the Soviets. You choose not to understand the truth, and that it shows in the stupidity of your blog.
Looks like somebody got rose-colored glasses for Christmas. Reagan beat the Soviets by outspending them in the arms race, and it was a fluke because no one knew that the Soviets had as little money (and arms) as they said they did. Also, without Gorby and glasnost, Reagan's tough talk would've been just that ... kinda like Dubya's 'Bring it on' bullshit (which he now says he regrets saying).
Stay away from our site and we'll stay away from yours. Deal?
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