Friday, May 23, 2008

A Case for Testing Parental Ability

I fail to understand what it is about this story that people are not more up in arms about the situation. I mean, we care about gays and lesbians being together, but this douche bag is allowed to not only disappoint this woman sexually, but others as well. I fail to recognize what their argument could be. Not only would any argument they make, in all likelihood, be completely ridiculous, even by 19th century standards, but would be even more so in this day and age. I understand our right to practice whatever religion we deem fit to follow but this is pushing it to another level. Any religion that requires fortified compounds and secret rooms for forcible sex on minors is, in my opinion, missing any ground to stand on.


Lord Bling said...

/Josef Fritzl unavailable for comment

Ryan the Angry Midget said...

Just remember that the only qualification for being a parent is being able to fuck someone without using birth control. Shouldn't we raise the bar?

HCP said...

Exactly my point. There is no standard with which to hold yourself to and I just wonder how this is possible. I realize that I may never get father of the year, but I also wouldn't ever put my childeren in a situation such as this one; so, I am at least in the race.

ptg said...

I'll agree to a parenting test if we can have a literacy test for voters.

HCP said...

Fair enough!

ptg said...

Can we have something like "Aktion T4" for them as fail either the parenting or literacy test?