Monday, July 28, 2008

Things I didn't know were illegal in Oklahoma

I think Oklahoma might be trying to improve its reputation a little bit. Especially since the number one suggested new name for the transplanted Seattle Supersonics is the Oklahoma City Bombers. What's crazy is that if this lady made that many tapes, there had to be a market for them. That's what being neighbors with Arkansas, Kansas and Texas will get you.


HCP said...

Here's a couple of questions that I have, why do the dogs have to be put down? Not even animals are allowed to get laid in Oklahoma, or are they afraid the dogs will go a humping rampage at a local strip mall?

Lord Bling said...


Unknown said...

My neighbor came over to my house and yelled at me over my dog!

I have a dog that I can't keep in my yard. I have tried everything and she always finds a way out. Anyway, this lady comes to my home, knocks on my door and when i open the door she points her finger at me and yells obscenities at me. Apparently my dog was in HER neighbors garbage and then pooped on HER NEIGHBORS LAWN! Why didn't she come and talk to me like a civil human being? Why was she a vicious monster attacking me at my door? I calmly went over to HER NEIGHBORS house where the garbage was and picked up every piece, and the dog poop. I agree that I have that responsibility to clean up after my dog. The one thing I don't agree upon is someone coming to my house and screaming in my face about something I didn't know about. Is anyone out there been blessed with a psyco-neighbor?
I don't think anyone remembers the golden rule...Do unto others as you would want done unto you!
I sent them a lovely card from this site I