Friday, March 20, 2009

Video of the Week -- the heaviest thing you'll hear all day

Hey everyone. Here's my pick for Video of the Week. It's a music video from a band called Cattle Decapitation. So right there, you probably know what kind of music you're in for. This video is for a track called 'Regret and the Grave.' You can probably tell from the video that they're vegetarians. I'm not, but the irony in the video isn't lost on me.

I'm a big fan of death metal, and no, I can't tell what he's saying in this song, so here is a sample:

"Wolves use their cunning and stalk in the night
We hide like cowards, with machines to magnify our sight
They've only the skills ever evolving to kill
We hide behind the steel and are slaves to our will

You, the consumer now consumed..."

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