Thursday, November 04, 2004

News and more fun with Bush

Thanks to echo_doctor for sending this to me. The picture is an actual cover from the Daily Mirror. I don't think that one needs a lot of analysis.

Thanks also to the Maple Leaf Chapter of the BTMAA for sending
this little treat. Keep the humor coming. We need it.

I have lifted the restriction that only allows registered users to post comments. So anyone should be able to post now. If it starts getting out of control, then that's good. That's the point. I have been getting a lot of dissenting opinions via email, but I would like to have those comments posted to the site.

If you're not reading the comments sections below each post, you're missing out. There are some great posts there that are probably better in terms of quality and definitely more concise.

Some things to look forward to:

  • The 2008 Presidential Election, where I hope that BenPatrick's prediction holds true.
  • My assessment of Bush's "Pro-Life" Policies
  • The next time you have sexual intercourse ( 2 months and counting!)
  • My plan for Iraq
  • The season premiere of The Bush Twins: Deep Six Nine (on Fox)

Keep those comments rolling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

c'mon, you forgot THE MOST IMPORTANT THING that a Republican president, House, and Senate will give us:

Four more years of large breasted women (I once read a study that found that when Republicans were in power the trend was that large breasts were in fashion. Evidence: Have you heard ANYTHING about Kate Moss lately??)

OK OK--Stop the high fiving and continue reading.

I'm sure that all y'all out there that like breasts don't have a problem with this aspect of Republican leadership, but I must warn you it's a slippery slope. First, you think Bush is OK 'cuz Anna Nichole is popular again and on TV. Then you find yourself agreeing with Bush's decision on additions to the Axis of Evil. Finally, the entire nation votes Republican on the next presidental election a la the 1984 election (except of course Minnesota and DC). Then what?

Oy. I don't even want to think about it.