Tuesday, January 23, 2007

If you only take one She-male quiz this year....

Since this blog hasn't been too serious about current events lately, I thought I'd continue that trend. Take this quiz, and let us know how you scored. Me, I got an 8 out of 16. I'm not sure what that means. Maybe I just flipped a coin on all of them, or maybe my taste in she-males is a little suspect.


Ryan the Angry Midget said...

13/16. The fact remains that sometimes really ugly chicks look like dudes.

Ben Patrick said...

14/16. GPA got the same score. And of the 2 I missed, only 1 was a mistake where is was really a guy. The other time, it turned out it was just one masculine chick. Which makes me happy, because while there is no penalty for thinking a chick is really a shemale, there can be substantial penalties for making the reverse mistake.

Anonymous said...


I missed out on the one that looks like NIN in drag.