Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Rain delayed...

Why the fuck do we in America continue to let the craziest among us lead the way? This guy is no Einstein, and as far as I can tell, he just gets paid to run around and be a douche bag at different events around the country. If you "You Tube" this sap, he has about 100 different PSA's that add nothing to public discourse except divisiveness and hatred. I understand our first amendment right to say whatever dangles off the end of our tongues, but sweet Christ there are people that listen to this fuck!! Anyways, here's the video. I'll let you decide who's the crazy person in this ad.
I say, "let it rain bitches because the hammer is about to fall!"


Ryan the Angry Midget said...

I wonder if he prays for an end to abortion and then votes for yet another conservative who will do nothing about abortion...what would happen? Something tells me lots of rain at his house.

HCP said...

I'm sure it's raining...fire and brimstone. I just don't understand how people like this get in to a position of authority with anyone. I mean, I would like to think that people are not this stupid, but then again, I guess that I have been "blessed" enough to have friends that are independent free thinkers and not just mindless robots. I guess I will just never understand that type of mindset.