One of the main components of a PhD program is taking lots and lots of hours of coursework in research design and statistics (at least if you're doing your PhD in some scientific field, as I am). When I started taking statistics courses, I considered seeking professional help, because I actually sort of....enjoyed it. As I delve deeper and deeper into my coursework, I am beginning to identify with the main character (Max, for everyone besides Lord Bling) in Darren Aronofsky's movie Pi. Mainly, I just wanted to take my 14 volt electrical drill and put a hole in my head to relieve the pain that comes along with spending all my time thinking about variances and covariances.

Fortunately, the end of the semester is near. Soon, I will be back to blasting people's faces off on Xbox live and pretending I don't know anything about matrix algebra, which won't be difficult, because I barely understand it. Until then, I bid you a fond farewell, and that I will be a much happier man when I post next.
Good luck dude.
With the drilling of a hole in your head, that is.
I've got an Xbox. Let's blow people together!
Wait, that didn't sound right.
Send me your screen name. This weekend, we'll blow everyone....away.
Well, this weekend ain't agonna work. But (and I'll email this too), no big surprise, my screen name is:
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