Monday, January 31, 2005

Democracy, Liberty, Reality

I have included a link to some of the coverage of the election in Iraq here. World Debate also has an excellent list of blogs written by people in Iraq about what's going on there. I have read about 1,000 postings on different websites and blogs calling the election a success, and how Iraq now qualifies as a democracy because of this historic triumph over the forces of evil. If only it were that simple.

No doubt that it is an exciting and historic time for Iraqis. But, to say that having an election is the only requirement of a democracy would also qualify Survivor, American Idol and my high school prom as democracies. Before we start talking about putting a McDonald's on every corner, destroying their environment, and putting aside the well-being of the Iraqi citizen for corporate profits, we need a reality check.

As many of you already realize, Iraq has three different groups fighting for control of the government: Shiite Muslims, Sunni Muslims, and the Kurdish or Kurds. These three groups have been killing each other and fighting for control for hundreds of years. Simply having an election doesn't change all those years of history.

I'm not trying to minimize the importance of the election or the sacrifices of the Iraqi people and our soldiers in making this happen. Conversely, I think that denying the realities that currently face our soldiers and the Iraqi people and making bold proclamations about Democracy is a gross oversimplification and gives the false impression that our mission has finally been accomplished, when really it's only just beginning. And we know how the Bush Administration loves to say "Mission Accomplished".

It's funny to me to hear what Americans say and write about our Democracy. What makes us the experts on Democracy? We've twisted our government into a capitalist theocracy, where only those with money can attain and control power. My hope for Iraq is that they do what we've failed to do, and get this whole Democracy thing right.

1 comment:

Ben Patrick said...

Oh, you were finished? Well, then, allow me to retort.

1. Are you really going to press the issue that GWB II didn't say "Misson Accomplished" after he indulged in perhaps the greatest single act of ego-stroking propaganda ever staged by the USA? Because, frankly, I think that when you have a 100-foot long banner that says "Mission Accomplished" in 20-foot tall letters, arguing whether those words escaped the President's mouth is a little silly. If the banner had said "Who Farted?" would we really be saying that GWB II shouldn't be held responsible for it's content. Yeah, I thought not.

2. I do appreciate the championing of Alberto Gonzales and Condi Rice as role models for minorities. I think they serve as powerful reminders that the proper mindset for minorities should be "Make as much money as possible, sell out your culture, try to be as white as possible, laught at the jokes, and do your damnedest to slam the door shut on any other minorities who might be trying to climb the same ladder you climbed." I mean, if Republicans don't teach these important lessons, who will? Wimpy, whiny, limp-wristed Demoncrats keep fighting for things like good education in the ghetto, lots of government loans to help poor students afford college, and social safety net programs to keep people from living on the street. C'mon! Does that really help anyone? I mean, no one in MY country club has ever been helped by those programs, therefore I deduce that no one in the country has been. Pass the caviar on toast points, please.

/too easy
/Ben out