Saturday, November 22, 2008

Merry Fucking Christmas

There is, without a doubt, no way that Bill Orally isn't the biggest fucking douchebag on the planet. It must be wonderous to sit in an office somewhere just thinking up the most trivial and retarded bullshit to try and get the stupidest among us all up in a egg nog lather. The clip below is only worth watching for the first few minutes, if that. He asserts that he is solely responsible for the saving of Christmas, blah blah blah. As much as I would like to believe that Christmas is a religous holiday(woops) anymore, we all know that it's just a way to suck your wallet dry. I'm not saying that I don't participate in that, but I'm saying that what the day was origianlly founded for is no longet relevant. SO WHO FUCKING CARES!

Via Con Dios,

1 comment:

Lord Bling said...

Our troops are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he's talking about the continued 'war on Christmas.' He's great at tearing apart straw men, even if he has to create them first.