Saturday, November 01, 2008

Obama yard signs in Texas .. UPDATE!

In a previous post, I put up Obama/Biden yard signs in my yard. I live in Texas. Therefore, I set the over/under on a sign getting stolen (or an act of vandalism occurring to my house) at one week. Well, the official count was 15 days! The sign closest to the main road by my house was stolen last night. The question I have is, "Did it get stolen because it's an Obama sign, or was it just kids being mischievous on Halloween night?" Could be either one, but there is another sign even closer to the sidewalk that says, "Vote, your choice, but VOTE!" that is sponsored by a local home selling company, and it was untouched.

Well, I had two Obama signs, so the spare (which used to be by my front door) is now in place by the main road again. I'm gonna set another over/under ... this one is at 48 hours. I replaced the sign at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. Let the games begin...


Ryan the Angry Midget said...

McCain isn't even winning in Arizona right now. Republicans are DESPERADO.

Lord Bling said...

And not like Antonio Banderas with the guitar cases either...

The Miles said...

It was probably a hate crime.

Lord Bling said...

I took my other Obama sign out of the yard late last night. Didn't want any sore losers to steal it, or worse. Plus, I want to keep it. It's in my game room now.